Taurus and Gemini:
Know how compatible you are!
The Earth sign Taurus is the most reliable of all signs of the
zodiac. The planet of love, Venus, rules this sun sign making them a cute,
lovable person. These practical people are extremely hard working and can go
miles to achieve what they want. One positive aspect to their personality is
their loyalty and sincerity, but their stubborn behaviour may make things
As the symbol suggests, Gemini have two different sides of
their personality. It is the third sign of zodiac and ruled by planet Mercury.
The people born under this sign are intelligent, adventurous and fun loving.
They are sharp and love to learn new things. They love to be surrounded by
friends but can enjoy alone if needed. The element of Gemini is Air which makes
them vibrant and youthful.
Common Traits of Taurus
and Gemini
Although Taurus and Gemini do not share much in common, but
when it comes to intellect they give each other a tough competition. They are
intellectual personality with curious nature. Their mental abilities are high
and both urge to do their best to complete the task they are assigned. A Gemini
partner can easily rely on a Taurus mate to fulfil their physical needs.
Both these gentle signs love to have fun and possess great
art of conversation. Their romance will not always go far as these practical
people don’t open up easily. But when in a relationship, they make all the
efforts to know each other and make the relationship work.
Clashes of Taurus and
The sincere Taurus can’t generally bear the spontaneous
behaviour of Gemini. They want everything to be well-panned and are resistant
to change. Whereas, Gemini are highly unpredictable and easily jump into situations.
Taurus are the one who can be relied upon in any situation. While Gemini are
not so trustworthy and tend to change colours according to the situation. This
can lead to severe issues among the couple if they want to enter a serious
romantic relationship.
They shy nature of Taurus is also a big hurdle in Taurus and
Gemini compatibility. Healthy discussions are a key to successful long-term
relationships. But possessive Taurus and carefree Gemini often get into deep misunderstanding
which proves to be fatal for their relationship. Taurus and Gemini are people
of different values. Taurus being more grounded wants stability in relations
and other materialistic things which Gemini are spontaneous and keep on
changing their mind quickly. Taurus are patient and do things slowly and with
perfection while Gemini want fast results and get excited easily.
What attracts Taurus and
The calm and composed personality of Taurus highly attracts
a Gemini. They feel secure with them as they are truly reliable persons. The
trustworthy nature of Taurus combined with genuineness makes them a loveable
person. Gemini likes the stability in them and love them to be in their live to
complete them.
On the other hand, the charm of Gemini is a great magnetism
for Taurus. Their adventurous and fun loving behaviour helps Taurus find time
to enjoy their life out of their everyday routine.
Taurus and Gemini Intimacy/sex
The Earth sign Taurus possess a deep desire to be loved and
feel cosy in someone’s arms. They can spend hours with their partner cuddling
and making love. But being highly unpredictable, Gemini gets bored easily. They
often fail to fulfil each other’s sexual desires and sex can become a big issue
of clash. However, Taurus may enjoy the speedy ride with their Gemini partner
and relish a hot sexual chemistry when Gemini is in the real temperament. The
variety offered by a Gemini may excite Taurus and let them come out of their
tiresome zone.
Taurus and Gemini belong to different worlds and they can
meet if they give complete effort to know each other well. If they give their
hundred per cent to the relationship they can complement each other well. They
are just one sign apart but have completely different viewpoints. Its better if
they get to know each other in time if they are looking for a long-term
relationship else it may end up in a painful breakup.
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