Thursday 21 November 2013

Best Out of Waste - Newspaper Lanterns and Paper Snowflakes!

Here are 2 home decor items that you can make with the help of recyclable material.

Newspaper Lanterns

Celebrate the festival of lights with lanterns made out of newspapers. We show you how-

  • Take a newspaper and paint it with a colour of your preference. If you want to keep it simple, then paint them in white. Once dry, fold it into half.
  • Cut the folded edge with a pair of scissors and create slits. Ensure that the slits are of the same length. 
  • Take the shorter ends and fold them together. Use glue to stick them and ensure that both ends are pasted well.
  • Attach the lantern to a round-shaped jar cap that should correspond with the size of the bottom of the lantern. Ensure that the cap is painted in the same colour as the lantern.
  • Insert a small wax candle right in the centre of the cap and the lantern. Once you light it, your newspaper lantern is ready to enchant your guests.

Hand-made Paper Snowflakes

Now, making it snow won't be nature's doing. Indulge in some white Christmas fantasies...
  • Take an 8 1/2 by 11 inch piece of paper and fold one corner over. Cut off the paper outside of the fold and place the rectangular strip in cycle. 
  • Fold corner to corner once again to make a smaller triangle.
  • This will result in one triangle side having one fold, and one side with two folds.
  • Make 3 to 5 cuts from the side with the single fold to the side with the two folds. The cuts will be parallel to the side with the raw edges.
  • Open the square and lay it flat.
  • Start in the middle. Bring the two points together and glue.
  • Flip the square over and bring the next two points together and glue. Continue repeating these steps by flipping the square and glue each set of points until all are done.
  • Repeat the above steps for each of the square pieces of paper you have.
  • Pick up the point of one end and join the other end points to it. Use a staple or glue and let dry. A staple works best.
  • Glue or stable the outside mid-point edges of each piece. Glue works best as the staples will be visible on the edges of your finished snowflake.
  • Once you have finished joining the mid points you should have a snowflake to display.

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